Learning Web Development - Curriculum and Resources

Learning to code as a designer may feel like a huge undertaking. And frankly, learning a new craft is a huge effort. But in my opinion, it is well worth it. As a designer, it's very good to be able to understand the design details, how things are implemented, and how people who make the detailed design decisions think and act. And because it is hard, it is a rare skill and good for your job security.

Start from what you know

Firstly, use any opportunity you have. And build on what you know. Need to work with SVG files? Learn to edit them? Maybe Web typography is your thing? Or you maybe you feel like starting from Web layout? Or by building a agency website? Or by building a retro game in few hours?

OR maybe you want to go slow, and start with webflow, to get the mindset and concepts first?

Learn what you can use in your work

Typically a good path looks like this:

  1. Learn to use Chrome dev tools
  2. Learn CSS & HTML & SVG
  3. Learn technical accessibility
  4. Learn JavaScript
  5. Learn version control and git

This is my collection of good resources.

1. Learn the browser tools to inspect and edit your designs

  1. Learn to use browser developer tools. This hands down THE simplest way to start doing something useful. Knowing how to inspect and edit UI's lets you draw less, inspect your designs better and play with variations without needing to draw anything.

2. Learn CSS and HTML and SVG

Paid resources

3. Learn accessibility

Paid resources

4. Learn Javascript

Paid resources

Full stack developer course - FREE

Bloggers & educators to follow

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